Thursday, December 25, 2008
Traditionally, we stick to traditions.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
I'm thinking I want....
Monday, December 1, 2008
My Thanksgiving with Jason Mraz
Ok, not really.
Boating? On Thanksgiving? In North Carolina??
It was a great Thanksgiving – lots of good food and conversation. And the scenery there is simply beautiful.
On Friday we drove across state lines to Richmond, VA. This is where the older of my younger brothers was born and also the location of my first concert at the tender age of 3 (it was John Prine if you’re curious).
Richmond: In all it’s overcast glory.
Friday marked my second concert in Richmond: Jason Mraz.
Jason and Toca, doing it and doing it and doing it swell.
It was a great show though there was a particularly obnoxious, drunk couple right behind me causing a bit of commotion. I finally turned around and just asked them to be quiet – I don’t mind a bit of chatter at a concert but if you’re deliberately impeding other people from enjoying a concert, it is time to chill out. And at JASON MRAZ! I mean, seriously? How could you have anything but happy, positive vibes to share?
He didn’t play some of his more rockin’ -- rockin’? No, that doesn’t seem right…but the phrase is lost on me…-- tunes (read: Butterfly, Dynamo of Volition, Clockwatching) and those are the kinds of songs that I think would be most interesting to hear acoustically. They are songs that seem as though they would present a real challenge to Mr. A-Z … and who doesn’t love a challenge?
Jason Mraz: Man of Many Faces
I also saw the concert by myself. I mean, I shared the experience with the many, many people there but I had no one who knew me, who I knew, who could bounce the jokes and joy and know their timing and mine.
This was most evident when we were told to sing a lyric to someone we didn’t know and follow that with singing to someone we came with.
Every little thing is gonna be alright.
I raised my hands to the sky, sang to the heavens, and let the words fall on me.
And every little thing WAS all right.
And every little thing IS all right.
And so overall, the concert was a complete blast and I’m so incredibly lucky to have seen him in action again.
And I cannot wait to see him again (preferably with my mother or with Patrick).
And now I wait for the semester to come to a close.
p.s. I didn’t know where to mention this but I was uber-amused with the fact that he started the concert with the song “Tonight, Not Again”. Not only is it my favorite but it’s funny to think of how bored he must get sometimes playing the same songs over and over again – probably best noted with the look he gave Toca right before they started to play “I’m Yours”.
p.p.s. All photos for the holiday can be found here
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
"I'm not depressed so much as I am paralyzed with HOPE!"
Monday, November 17, 2008
Tragically Truant
Monday, November 3, 2008
Opeth and Ben Kweller
A few weeks ago, Ken, Marc (Ken's buddy), and I went to go see a metal show. Opeth is the one metal band Ken listens to that I can actually stand and actually enjoy so we drove to Orlando's House of Blues and watched metal god, Mikael Akerfeldt, and his crew rock our faces off. You can check their music out on their myspace page (linked above) but you have been warned of the metal-osity and I cannot be responsible for you not liking it. A wise man once said "Metal is an acquired taste, and most people don't like eating nails."
Now as for last Wednesday....
I FINALLY got to see Ben Kweller in concert! I've been listening to him for a few years now ever since he was introduced to me by a musician friend of days past. His opener wasn't bad either -- an Aussie by the name of Whitley. Ben Kweller is an indie rocker who has now taken a turn towards more bluesy, folksy, boot-stompin' sounds and I still totally dig it. They came through Club Downunder which was great because I hadn't been to a show there in a good long while. And I got to go with one of my new grad school friends, Helen, who is also a Kweller fan.
As an encore, they covered "Heart of Gold" which was just amazing and I managed to get it all recorded -- mainly so I could show my brother, Andrew, but why not share it with all you beautiful people too!
Next up is comedian Maria Bamford. She's performing here in Tallahassee in a few weeks and I couldn't BE more excited.
Sorry for the lack of updates, life has been a little crazier than usual. Hopefully more to come!
Signing Off,
Saturday, October 11, 2008
"That was quick." "Yeah, everybody could shot."
*I'm heading to the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology conference tomorrow. It's being held in Cleveland this year so I'll be heading up to Atlanta tonight to catch the flight tomorrow. And to see Aunt Peg!
*Saw Appaloosa and was pleasantly surprised. Wasn't sure what to expect with a western and Renee Zellweger (ugh, cannot stand her) but I thought it was pretty damn good.

*Went on a herpetology trip on Sunday which was ridiculously fun. Got to play in the dirt AND pick up slimy things! Double AWESOME!
Anyway, waiting around for my office hours to finish, then I need to drop my labmate Paul at the airport and pick up some bloodworms for the salamanders (which are my new pets -- don't think I mentioned that).
After that I'm Atlanta-bound!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Nearly 3 Years Ago...

Wednesday, September 24, 2008
What I Did Last Saturday
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Tuesdays, Tuesdays, Tuesdays
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
What does he know, and how long will he know it?
Friday, September 5, 2008
I keep my life on a heavy rotation

Monday, August 25, 2008
What my future holds
The black text are classes I'm taking and the red text corresponds to labs I'm teaching/having to attend for said labs/pre-lab set-ups. I also have a reading group that has yet to be scheduled as well as a few weekend trips for my Quantitative Methods course.
And as you can see from the time stamp in the corner, I have a class starting within the hour.
I will miss you all.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
And now for something completely different...
I'm actually sitting in my office right now because there is no internet at Ken's yet and I have a meeting at 2 for the lab I'll be instructing. We'll be picking times for the labs so my next post may be happy or it may be downright sad.
The raw diet was not for me. I know that. I think I'll just focus on eating healthy -- that'll be quite the change.
I got to visit Fredo and his gang for a bit which was nice. Those kids are growing up way too fast!
A special welcome to Jenny! She's my cousin living in Germany and from the sounds of it, I need to send her kid a dino shirt PRONTO!
And now to share some fotos from here and there and everywhere in between.
See ya!
Friday, August 15, 2008
I've decided to stop counting the days.
Thursday was a bit of a wash. Dereck was suppose to get home but ended up having his flight cancelled so I didn't do much of anything. I hung out with the cats A LOT so I got caught up on The Secret Life of the American Teenager and Project Runway. I get addicted to TV pretty fast -- especially when I can watch it on YouTube.
It looks like I'll be staying on this raw/vegetarian diet for at least another two weeks. I need to be on a raw diet for the intestinal cleanse and then it's probably best that I ease back into eating other foods -- thus the vegetarian aspect.
And Patrick, the water was clear at the beginning but it would have changed colors even without my feet being in there. What comes out are the black flecks and white film. It has to do with "science" and "electrons" which you'd think I'd be good at explaining -- but I'm not. All I know is that I get the treatments for free and that is a big perk of having your brother be a total wellness professional.
Alright, sorry this is short. I gotta get back to Dereck and Tim's so I can clean house a bit before he gets home. Cheers!